Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Mount And Blade Marriage Guide

Whether you reserve your Year 2011?

My Dear Contacts, Consultants and Friends,

I propose at the end of year you discover your year, month by month 2011 ...

Your Horoscope with Forecast to 12 months is based on the system of solar revolutions.
The study is based on the relationship between the theme and the theme of birth anniversary. It comprises five parts:
Introducing Your Birthday with Sky Map Sky colors.
Study of Climate General year by comparing the birth chart and annual ascending annual.
Study Areas Astrological : with generalities and particulars relating to the presence of planets in each sector. The aspects indicate opportunities to capture and possible obstacles to overcome.
Study Transits to know the progress of your emotional life and work.
Synthesis theme.

(Special Offer from 1 to December 31, 2010)
Fill Form a Astrological Studies to Topic RATES on www.kris-saint-angel-medium.com
And send your request to kris.saintange @ free.fr
A request will be forwarded to Paypal you promotional rate.

For your year commitment in the best possible conditions, I am at your disposal to find you with a solution to all your problems be they emotional, financial, professional or family ...

Sunday, November 28, 2010

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To Discover ...

GLOW Holistic Medicine 's book Fabrice MATSIMA
D years these luminous pages - that deliver inspired vision capable of healing - is emerging, through the experience of the encounter with his own soul, which is probably the only truth: the love as the path of realization.
Beyond these words processors, the traveler discovers the object of his own Alchemy, a glimmer on the road to its existence may lead to the center of his being. Thus, little by little, he is allowed access to a sacred space where genuine growth.
Fabrice MATSIMA is Magnetiser, Therapist energy company and lives in Grenoble. Very involved in the current boom in new holistic medicine, he participates actively, especially in the Harmonic Alliance he founded and runs. Website: http://www.alliance-harmonique.com/ Blog: http://www.magnetiseur-grenoble.com/
The Music of Angels Patrick TOURON
Originally from northern France, Patrick Touron composed for over 30 years. In the 90s, he formed the group Dark Forest, and produces his songs in French and English, including the content and navigate between GĂ©rard Manset atmosphere and Genesis ... But instrumental music remains his first love. He composes in 1995 "Symphony of Sylves" then the "Concerto de Paris", at the request of the conductor Marc Florian Paris ... On his return to Santiago in 2003, he created the "Symphony Compostellane" ...
In 2001, at the invitation of friends therapists, he decided to bring together the many scattered pieces that make up today the "Hexalog Angels" ...
As for the choice of music such as Angel, Patrick left it to them ... May Is she caress you with his wings ...

Saturday, November 27, 2010

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Letter To Father Christmas ... New Website

Who remembers me where I am? Who knows what I lived where I am ... In the heavy silence of non-life that clings to me, and that keeps me standing?
Hands in the back, I have no one to press against my heart, then my arms and my hands, I do not know what to do.
Who knows I exist? My eye looks for images of the past, voices or even family friendly faces, my face ... My voice I do not know even the sound power of silence.
I see nothing except the strange light of day I was born perceived as a hope, perhaps it is the glow that comes from death deliver me from this haunting indifference.
I hope for more, so I can breathe again because I do not know die. Please forgive me, it is perhaps too early? I do not know, I do not know why I'm still here! My parents, yes, perhaps? My children perhaps? My friends ... Who? I do not remember either ... What good look out the window? Even the seasons have the same color, same perfume, same dawn to dawn, that of forgetting, silence, solitude.
You see! You forgot me ... I also think I forgot who I was and who you are for all this time I'm there to watch you.
as I move my arms, my hands, my fingers in a gesture of welcome and embrace you ... You ... You touch tighten against me ... I might be less cold in the heart, and less ashamed to exist.
You who believe in Santa Claus, tell him how much I would be convinced of its existence if it was a small tower outside my window. Ask him to give me a little wave of his white-gloved hand, and I would feel not to be transparent and perhaps a little star lit up my eyes ... I beseech you, give him my letter . THANK YOU.
SIMINOWICZ Robert St. Denis Sur Loire (41)

Monday, November 1, 2010

Can You Give A Dog A Spoon Of Olive Oil

Dear Prospective Clients, Consultants and Friends,
I wanted to offer you this site which is now yours. Kris Sant'Angelo Materials will allow you to build your own menu of benefits and enriched in the category of birth .
My concern is to guarantee a Custom study that will bring a new vision structured.
This site aims to guide you and make your life what you've always dreamed of.
It allows you to take action and respond to the question:

Getting to your personal and professional life?
At that moment, many of you are wondering how to fulfill their destiny and achieve the goals they have set. In
secret in their heart, everyone can find a motive for action that leads him to achieve and be fulfilled.
But many also are those who continue to hope or dream, wishing secretly that things are moving forward ... ..
They wake up later, this finding surprised they are still at the same point.
My predictions will guide and hold the Key to Your Success , for which it is important to act at all times. For this
Happiness, you can use your creative thinking, your artistry, your knowledge, your personality and physical energy, your thoughts turn into action ...
Let these acts, the success of your future.
There is always a solution, a semi-open door that will force
... I'll be at your side you can be reassured.
The Oracles of the Angels will issue you Your Message that once you have understood and practiced, you will Strength and Success . I advise you to read and reread it for you in your Present and Future brightens your .
Successful people are not smarter or luckier than you because they simply know the secret laws of success and apply them.
To ensure the privacy of our consultations, payment vouchers will now be established under KSA Consulting .
Thank you for your understanding and your loyalty.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

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Meditation Buddhist Meditation .... As Mr.

We are what we think.
Everything we are arises with our thoughts.
With our thoughts we create the world.
Speak or act with an unclean spirit, and unhappiness will follow you,
Like the wheel of the cart follows the ox not.
We are what we think.
All we are rises from our thoughts.
With our thoughts we create the world.
Speak or act with a pure mind,
And happiness will follow you,
As your shadow, unshakable.

"Look how he abused me, beat,
As he threw me down and robbed."
Live with such thoughts and live in hate.
"Look how he abused me, beat,
As he threw me down and stolen.
"Abandon such thoughts, and live in love.
In this world hatred never appeases hatred.
Only love dispels hate
This is the law ,
Old and immutable.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

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A quiet mind allows you to better understand the events that come your way.
your life path, your body and your soul you ask find the time and tranquility necessary to reflect, think and be receptive to any intuition. Even if you only spend a short time per day, meditation miles will bring you riches.
I invite you often in our consultations to practice meditation. This serves to calm your mind, to put it to rest for a few minutes, allowing you better start thereafter.
Meditation is very simple and can be practiced anywhere. No need for taking courses. Simply log out of reach for a few moments. Daily, take five minutes to you, close your eyes and breathe deeply. Do not force yourself to listen or think. Continue to inhale and exhale and relax. The more your mind will be harmfully
ndu, the more it will be easy to clear your head. I advise you often incense or specific stones. They will help you in all your efforts, they are personal and tailored to your current situation. When you have more time, the ideal is to stay in the shadows no matter what time of day and location. If you can lie down, light your incense, your candles as I've indicated with your chosen stones, inhale and exhale deeply. View unknown landscapes, it is important that each of your thoughts are not directed towards a situation experienced, a place already seen ... When ideas fail back to your current concerns, instinctively try to go back in this new dimension that you have time to create. With daily practice, you will succeed more easily.

Siddhartha Gautama has spent his entire life searching for a way to end suffering. He gave up the family fortune and was involved in several ways, including her asceticism, in hopes of advancing on the path of spirituality. At the end of his career he has finally understood that it is the moderation that leads to enlightenment. He also demonstrated the benefits and importance of meditation and has made dazzling discoveries while his intuition was at its height in the tree of enlightenment. Call to Siddhartha Gautama for help to think more and more, to practice restraint and to overcome any kind of suffering.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

How To Get A Heatran In Pokemon Indigo

Enjoy ...

credits mixture Angel kits.

During the summer holidays and Jeanne Idalie have done a lot of salt dough!
Here is a page with some samples of their masterpieces.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

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Keep ... Confidence ...

You have experienced disappointments and experiences may have undermined the confidence you had in yourself or others. Nevertheless, it is important to keep faith in you.
Like everyone, you've made mistakes. However, they had not made your true nature. You have this omnipresent and infallible faith in you. It is i mportant
to consolidate in order not to fall into the negativity. Conversely, doubts and worries slow the realization of your projects. Acknowledge that you have all the qualities necessary p o fulfill the mission entrusted to you.
Even if you do not see or know exactly how to do it, it will depersonalize this task so that it does not refer to yourself. In this case, you must stay in the moment and not look one step at a time.
This will allow you to visualize your future situation more easily.
Do not listen to the voice of doubt, is to advance.

Vishnu is the Hindu god who works with Brahma and Shiva to protect the world. It restores harmony by the balance of power, forgives all and compassionate toward them. Benevolent and loving deity, Vishnu can help you feel secure in your present life and future.

Monday, August 23, 2010

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For Homecoming ... Thunderstrike! The famous

It is important that you think about your strengths. The summer has allowed you to recover your energy.
Your strengths are your strength and your loving heart, your pure intentions, your human relations skills, hobbies or other activities in which you excel. Even if your skills are fine-tuning, these are your strengths and assets. No matter if it takes tim
ps you and requires effort, you approach slowly with the result that you set. You can feed your strength by appreciating and showing you appreciate owning them. Instead, if you linger over your alleged weaknesses, they are the ones that you feed and grow. The key is to focus on yourself a look full of compassion and love. Each time you underestimate, think about your strengths. Every day, say positive affirmations to increase your energy and your confidence. So Vou s move more confidently towards the goal of your life. Thanks to your intentions, you give a boost to your life. New opportunities available to you and what you Positivism helps radiate. Stay focused on your present, cast your worries to enjoy every situation. Gratitude is essential today ... To stay in flight.

Apollo is the Greek god of the sun, the son of Zeus and twin of the goddess Artemis. It is a powerful god who can make the sun shine in your life, literally and figuratively. Renowned for his physical strength, Apollo can be used as personal trainer to motivate during exercise and can help them become stronger emotionally and intellectually.

Monday, July 26, 2010

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Letting go ...

It is time to stop fighting or trying to force things. Going against the current universal can not but cause frustration and blockages. You repeat a pattern because your negative thoughts and feelings you hold back, because stagnation of emotions nt from your past. When one relies in mind, it automatically opens doors that lead to a solution or results beyond our expectations. Let go and stop fighting, being angry, resentful or maintain any unwanted emotion. You must forgive and move forward, share your thoughts toxic against peace.
By renouncing your need to control everything, you find the energy to get what you want. Plus you get to you relax and be confident, everything will be resolved faster positively. Projects that the universe for you to surpass your own, so you better be based on this divine wisdom and let it happen properly. If necessary, you can always regain control. However, you'll appreciate the consequences of this "relaxation" and you will adopt this new healthier lifestyle.
Trust in the Universe : He supports you.

Quan Yin is the Buddhist goddess beloved of Compassion, whose name means "she who hears all prayers." At his death, it could have been devoted Buddha, but decided to stay close to the ground and help all people, to the last, until enlightenment. Quan Yin can help you feel more compassion, to forgive, to meet your needs with kindness and love.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

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Thank You ... ... My Consultants The Tarot

I took time to send you this message.
Because I wanted to feel, feel the emotion that was integrated in me since our conversation.
I do not yet know the flavor, this liqueur which propagate in me, I do not drink enough to contain this creamy flavor that spreads by me.
I feel that I won this spiral. It is like a breath of wind, new life had engulfed me. Such a mill that operates with its stream of water, and wind that rotates its wings in the breeze sandstone which is bound in the landscape.
It would be almost the Moulin Rouge, to the point that I am ashamed of all his emotions experienced.
It is at once a silence and inner peace-burning passion for life.
is a real joy to feel again the golden thread of his life.
It's so nice to prove it changes, so intimate and so human.
I'm so shy, yet so introverted, I let myself be carried away by this magnificent wave of words.
It's as if my memory or my conscience rather asked me to reveal written by my feelings, my thrills, my eyes.
How self-consciousness evolves through the eyes of another.
How did it find and retrieve an image through a wealth of information about my inner being, that even I dare not reveal.
And yet we must see things differently, and recognize that it can see the other with its affects, its defects, its donations.
It is not yet an icon, a young woman who listens to you and tells you to yourself on the side of life that smiles at you, he who angers you, that which is hidden, that which can not be seen, our values, what we have not yet emerged from ourselves our consciousness.
All this she tells you, makes you understand, without saying a word and yet your mind assimilates as if by magic, she talks to you. But ....
She communicates with her whole being, with and without words, without looking.
Yet with such clear foresight that one feels deeply penetrated by a deep and mysterious look.
It a host of emotions and ideas that intertwine and intersect in such a machine, or is found right in the reversal necessary for changing the codes, codes of our perception and understanding of the world.
is truly a revolution, a storm, a hurricane in our field of consciousness.
But on what island are we going back to set up camp?
What will the people and things that still remain attached to ourselves.
I see the loneliness of living with the present time for us to join his rhythm.
I see the couple unites to build time into the future.
I see children so we get the more than perfect.
But what is this book written with so much that I I combines so well with us.
page after page and read the lines bind to the delight of writing it, live it, read it and reread it from generation to generation until the dawn of time.
But after this book, What remains of us, you tell me an example of a life time which is divided on the beach sun, so many traveled time for a dusk to dawn. Your company always your best value is shown as a star shining brightly.
The landscape is only present to mark the time because your soul is the only benchmark that captures my attention and remains deep in my soul.
A big thank you Kris.
Architect, Paris (17th)

Monday, May 24, 2010

What Do You Write In A Christening Card

Challenge ...

Angel threw me a challenge: I show you the 6th page I posted on my blog.

And I also wanted to put the 6th page of my old blog ! It dates!
Heloise was a baby ....

That ... It's my turn to challenge 5 people .... Which? You have practically all TAKEN PART!
But if you look closely, here's four:
- Mary

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serving ... The Other ... The Gift of Prophecy

I wanted to just cite the vivid testimony of this man I met on the web ...
His story could be ours ...

I created, " http://www.actunoso.fr/ to lend my support to victims of nosocomial infection , control and inform.

J ' have been amputated in 2004, 17 years after my accident. Before my surgery, I made repeated septicemia, my leg was hard, thick, cracked, red, warm, and also very cold at times, fever between 39 ° and 40 ° and lymph node in the groin very painful. I contracted many germs, including the notorious MRSA , and followed more than a dozen operations, as a result of this neglect.
I know the topic on the fingertips. I imposed the hospital and surgeon. I did not trust, nor the hygiene of the establishment and I knew that the hygiene guidelines were not followed. A board, observe the establishment, private or public before you have surgery and do not hesitate to choose another, if any. You can leave me your stories in the guestbook of my site, they can serve other, thank you for them. You can join the cause victims of nosocomial infections .
Regards, Yannick MABRUT

Tribute to my friend, William, who is no longer of this world in peace and hope. If something has tipped my life because you're part of those who participated and saved my life, for your fight and then media was known. You're here in my heart and you'll stay forever.

Thank Kris .
I do not know if Kris is an angel, but I have faith ...
I feel Kris , as such, I feel that purity in her, she has an "aura" immense. No, I'm not a fanatic, I know MAN has the need to believe, to advance, either by itself or in a religion does not matter which, or a goal that s' is given. What I can say is that in talking with Kris , not by telephone, only the net, I can tell him anything on my "inner self", and Kris read in my soul.
course, one might say, that while we conversions Kris could take on the net all information concerning my past, at least those that I put on the canvas. But here I am talking about something else, the "inner self" of myself, what inside me, which identifies me, which is unique to myself, my thoughts, etc. ...
Kris , read me like open book, she received my "me" as you see the water from a stream flowing, and does not stop flowing.
Kris, for me you are without knowing an angel, a being of peace and love on this land, inhabited by a divine mission.
Thank you, and thank you to the angels ...
Regards, Yannick

Sunday, May 2, 2010

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Since the dawn of time, people have shown a real interest in prophecies ...
Through this special gift and a good knowledge of astrology, the prophets foretold events that proved decisive in the history of mankind.
Thus, one can think of the prophets of Israel, the learned priests of the Mayan civilization, the Apocalypse of Saint John or the Centuries of Nostradamus
... Contrary to what one might think, the gift of prophecy is not based not only a spiritual ability to communicate with the afterlife but also a thorough knowledge of the stars.
Since ancient times, was always studied astronomy ...
Insiders were based on rigorous analysis of astral configurations for announcing events.
Zoroaster was a great Master Tradition of Light, it was also called the prophet of the sun. At the end of his life, Zoroaster proclaimed the coming of Christ through prophecy disconcerting precision. He ended by saying these three disciples that they would be warned by a sign that would appear in the night sky and reveal the date and place of the new birth of Light on earth. So those are the Magi who saw the sign and came from distant lands to pay homage to the messiah ...
I have personally studied the prophecies of Nostradamus quatrains which have seen their famous achievements happen again the 21st century. It may be noted that the attacks of September 11, 2001 had been predicted ...
Thus, a true prophet is not a being who merely passively to announce an event near or far. It forces humanity to reflect, react to it so much?

The prophets have always wrong to be right. The red weed Boris Vian

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Where Do I Plug In The Yellow Cord For Hdmi Ps3

So proud .... The 3-year

I n 'had not scrapers Heloise long since I had the opportunity and is the result.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Where Can I Get My Rims Dipped In Chrome

A tear .... sorry

Recently, a man and a woman consulted me, P. and J. born respectively on 4 and 5 March 1967, one, Director General, the other assistant, two personalities, two different stories and reasons ...
Yet the same reaction.
A study begins with an emotional balance.
In this first phase, it is essential to understand your experience, to determine the cause of your choice at a particular moment in your life rather than others. The difficulty lies in the fact of the sort happened now felt in knowing how they have influenced your behavior.
This fingerprint is unique emotional, it's your story engraved in you
ever ... Without mentioning these facts with you, I'm talking about your current feeling in both your body and your mind.
You came to see me in a positive progress in your life projects and I have, besides you predict your future, you justify my advice about the choices you are considering.
So you're two of my consultants who really touched me.
Your reaction is emotionally strong and justified to me that the way ahead for future happiness.
You enter one and the other in the year of fish began February 22, 2010 and ending February 21, 2011, the year in anticipation of changes
... I dedicate every second of this wonderful poem Verlaine

tears in my heart
As it rains on the city

What is this languor that pervades my heart?

O sweet sound of rain
the ground and on rooftops!
For a listless heart
O the song of the rain!

He cries without reason In this heart sickened.
What! No treason? ...
This mourning is without reason.

is the worst pain is not knowing why

without love or hatred
My heart has so much trouble! Songs without words

Friday, March 19, 2010


Knowledge, Will, Dare, silence

This is the law of balance ...
Naos is the 58th Tarot card Egyptian . It is the magic card of fate.
It refers to the mission that we have to do. It indicates that a higher force may contribute to the attainment of desires, provided internally and secretly impregnated the 4 verbs: WANT TO KNOW NOT TO TALK ... DARE
know is what we need to move forward, expand its scope of knowledge, not only through education or training but also by human contact does not restrictive. Whatever each has necessarily something positive to offer you. This is also the opening ...
WISH, was often buried in the deepest desire of self and very hard to express.
OSER, nothing but the word instinctively puts you in the reservoir. How many of you have tremendous opportunities for intellectual engage in a business personal and I think especially to you my Dear BH . This potential is not used unfairly blocked by the one afraid of a possible failure ... Dare is also this lack of confidence in you and yet if you knew how many have not your respective talents and flow to the water with the firm belief to succeed ... Sometimes it works so much envy and investment are strong. Sometimes it breaks but there are also those who do not get discouraged and always back in the saddle ... Those are the people our politicians ...
be silent, the golden rule ... Never reveal your inner thoughts. Anyone know them will use them one day either against you. Never say how much you earn ... Divide everything by 2 ... Always keep some mystery, create the element of surprise. By becoming unpredictable, you will gain even more confidence ...
Let say, he ventured too, was beautiful but daring
and smaller were happier since
Charles Augustin Sainte-Beuve

Sunday, March 14, 2010

How Can I Put Nerf On A Birthday Cake

Welcome To My World ....

Know first, it is important to believe ....
Not specifically God
But believing in YOU,
to think that fate does not exist, there is always the possibility of turning events to their advantage, nothing is ever lost as someone reaches out to you ...

Always fight
Believe in your dreams
There is always a surprise awaits you in a way
Good, you never know, that will lorqu'elle past ...
Wrong, it will teach you and you will draw the lessons.
Each period of life is rewarding although sometimes to a life or difficulties accumulate, it is a little hard to stay positive ... It s 'acts as a cycle ...
And sometimes, you know "die" only to rise ...
The sun rises and sets every day, and it is the same for the paths of life. See the beauty of each of your twilight and know that tomorrow, a new dawn will rise. The end of a situation is just the beginning of another, and we are at your side through all the phases and cycles of your life.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Loudest Ipod Dock 2010


credit: "tea time" Ange

Idalie was the tower to open her gifts, she was very happy! Especially when she saw what it contained ...

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Online Bait Bus Films

Some pages created with one of the last kit Angel "breathes", it is simplment beautiful, and I think you already know it all.
And finally two pages always created with the kit and two Angel QP ...
A bit of me ...