Saturday, January 29, 2011

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Events: the violent are not always those that we think! The trial

As part of its action cons of merging all or part of the Community of Communes around Anduze (CCAA) with the Community of Agglomeration of Greater -Alès, the association ARDIECE organized the Friday, January 21, 2011 a demonstration before the Anduze station. This initiative, supported by most of the mayors of the CCAA, brought together in an atmosphere of good-natured about 300 people, among whom were a dozen elected officials, many retirees and families in full force. As planned and announced in advance to law enforcement, a symbolic and non-violent blockade of the railway took place, but things have then degenerated. Why? Watch the video below to the end and you will understand how violence has led to some voluntary excesses in response that no one could control ... like according to many this would have happened in Charleville-Mezieres some October 28, 2010 before the permanence UMP!

(sent by zimprod . - The news video online. )

Thursday, January 27, 2011

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protesters October 28 postponed!

A particular trial, special mobilization! This afternoon at 14:00 8 people who attended the event held in Charleville-Mezieres on October 28 against the 'reform' pensions were to appear before the criminal court of the county town for breaking the window of the permanence of the UMP. The fact offending, reprehensible in itself, provided of course it is proved, had resulted in the middle of December to handed arrest early morning suspects at their homes before the rest of their family and flabbergasted at their place of work, by a platoon of police acting as in a case of highway robbery . This usage clearly intentionally disproportionate force, almost two months after the damage committed, had shocked the unions of course, but also the left parties and a large number of Ardennes (es) who saw a move to discourage future attempts of resistance to anti-social offensive of the government. He had therefore led, first unions to launch a call for a rally quiet and dignified at the time of the trial court, and secondly to creation of a committee of support and solidarity with the demonstrators defendants who had called him at a noisy rally the same place and same time!

A triple suspense was therefore held today : how could there people on the forecourt of the court? Which noisy rally or vigil would win? Above all, what penalty would be imposed to 8 people judged? On the first question, the answer is about 200 , which is more than respectable given that the gathering took place during the working week when no strike notice had been filed, which precluded the presence many employees. Despite the anger easily discernible who came to support remained perfectly calm totally respectful of the great windows of the court who have been subjected to any insult, and no speaking has occurred: the union instructions have been strictly enforced, including by members of the committee support. But most important is that the hearing lasted in all and all for only 15 short minutes , time for the judge in charge of an officer, despite personal reservations - that the MRC considers totally displaced 08 - it held to share, say the postponement of the trial to February 24 at 14:00 . The reason for this decision? The absence for professional reasons duly attested by 2 of defense lawyers, which left him no choice, whatever the vengeful behind these outrageous lawsuits ...

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Chi Straightener 2010

Aubrives: wishful clumsy and inconsistent!

What happens on January 21 ? When is a royalist, since 218 years, is commemorated with a tear in his right eye the beheading of Louis XVI by the infamous revolutionary. When a communist, which still more common, since it commemorates 87 years with a tear in his left eye death Lenin. A Aubrives this year, there was neither the one nor the other since extravaganza was held at the hall of the Center for All: the wishes of the mayor! Withdrawn from others in the town of Chooz , where the municipality has had the excellent idea to pay Eating Heart sums which were usually spent, and Hierges , where actions directly affecting more people have been preferred, this ceremony has been held in our village. before a room packed but certainly less than last year, before an audience where personalities were conspicuous by their absence with the notable exception of Bernard Dekens, Regional Councillor and Chair of the Community of communes Rives Ardennes Meuse, and Marcel Vigneron , his first assistant intercommunal, our good mayor, Gilbert Leclercq, gave us its annual show.

accordance with an established tradition, he began by wish her best wishes for the coming year to any assistance. Then he thanked, with a sincerity that many knew to be only in appearance, all village associations for their dynamism noting in passing that they welcomed a significant number of people from the outside. He took the opportunity to make a tribute to the partnership with the Association viroquoise Link , dealing particularly welcome extra-curricular and management alsh during holiday periods, but it has been cons no word for the local staff. Then he recalled the actions taken few in our town during the past year: the reconstruction of the street Votion and Street Brewery with burying the electrical network, the realization of a parking instead of two homes that were destroyed, the commissioning of the playground for younger children, the construction of two ramps the Meuse to improve the fire safety of the village and the factory Magotteaux and renovation of locker rooms football club.

Our good mayor has finally ended his speech by unveiling the actions to be completed in 2011 : finalizing the municipal level backup , revision of local plan , continued studies in progress ... and especially urbanization possible area of Earth Quarrel with the construction of 30 flats, of which 20 officers the Chooz nuclear power station, a school division and a multipurpose hall for sporting purposes. A true "city" news that will significantly change the life of our county, including emptying the heart of the village the cries of children in kindergarten and elementary, but expensive, very expensive. A call to the granting of grants from different funding has been launched, with a punchline certainly inspired by advertisements of L'Oreal: " because we deserve . With operating revenues per capita 2 times those of a common belonging to the same stratum and a cash flow 4 times, it was a bold, Gilbert Leclercq did and ridicule does not kill him! He then concluded by forgetting the rules of protocol elementary ( Bernard Dekens was not invited to speak) and suggest everyone to stay to discuss in a friendly.

And the now traditional post-orgy vows, you're certainly asking yourself, did it happen? If we judge by what happened in the room of the Home for All must be answered in the negative, because if the champagne petit fours and sweets did not fail, their distribution stopped early. But alas it was better to continue small committee in a more discreet place , the auditorium where Bernard Maillard tables for fifty people had been installed on the scene. How late? As usual, ie the time of the slag as it was used or the date after Jacques Dutronc Paris awakes, ie between 5 and 6 o'clock in the morning! as another proof that the bad habits start quickly, especially when you have a design particularly reducing the general interest ...

Friday, January 21, 2011

Why Sparro Cut His Hand

Givet: and now doubt about APIC, the fuel provided for the incinerator!

Gradually, the bird makes its nest! Initially the distrust towards the construction project at 2 steps from the Belgian border ' a paper mill waste incinerator (and not garbage as is known of course all those who follow the issue) was triggered by opacity who reigned around this ambitious industrial establishment. Then the doubts were reinforced when experts had explained that such a facility would generate an inevitable pollution , in the immediate vicinity but not only. Presentation in December of Everhardus Jaarsma, the proponent by Effect - The environmental letter, did that increase . Have they fallen since? Absolutely not, because in the article that we allow to reproduce below, and which was published yesterday on the website of Inter - Environnement Wallonie , a federation of over 150 associations whose common fighting for sustainable development and fight against environmental damage, it is this time the fuel APIC, made from paper mill waste to be burned in the incinerator, which subject to serious questions:

Givet: incinerator (Un) hidden!
If you live south of Namur, you've probably heard of a plant project generating electricity and heat "green", from biomass, which should locate in our French neighbors near Givet. This project has already been much ink, and a public inquiry is also expected (soon?) Doische and Hastings, two adjacent municipalities confronted with transboundary impacts and therefore informed by public inquiry of the French project.
Amid incomplete information, the controversy swells, and the article published recently in the journal Impact (No. 332, 27/12/2010), involving the aspect of "green" project and the credibility of its designer, do not probably calm the spirits. It must be said that there is currently very little information about the "raw material" to be burned to produce energy, and what you can find in the press puzzling and thoughtful: Will you build a cogeneration plant fueled by biomass or waste incinerator?
APIC (the trade name of fuel that would be used) is supposed to be a new fuel composed of biomass. What is biomass? Usable organic matter from another energy source. APIC, we learn by searching news articles, would consist of waste paper from France and other European countries including Belgium, compacted briquettes before being burned. If the paper fibers are plant and therefore from biomass, we must not forget that paper additives (mineral fillers, glues ...) are not. The term biomass is thus concerned that a percentage of this "green fuel". If press coverage at certain times of 95% waste paper, there is no reliable information about it today. What we discovered was not reassuring. Indeed, the project coordinator, Patrick Loubet, has posted information via a web forum (now mysteriously inaccessible ... unless hidden). He says the waste: "mechanically separated rejects from pulping of waste paper and cardboard," or the code waste 03/03/2007, which ends in the same PST today. In the Walloon legislation, This code is known as "B" (biodegradable and therefore soon forbidden to landfill). Let
: grinding of waste paper and cardboard contains impurities (metals, plastics, adhesives, inks) that are sorted mechanically. The goal is to lose less fiber paper, this sort is relatively pushed more than the refusal will find one that is less "rewarding" (waste landfill prohibited, taxed heavily ...). It is hard to see how the release of the screening process contain a lot of paper ... Therefore, the term "biomass" would fall under theft! Or companies that provide this sort waste very little of their waste letting large quantities of paper! One of two things: either the incinerator (let's call it ...) burns a residue low fiber paper, in which case you can not talk but biomass incineration of plastics and other materials variety, or it burns waste paper sorting plant from which recovery processes are inefficient fiber. But in this case, it would be much wiser for both industry and the environment to try to reduce the fraction of fibers in this sort of refusal, and thus increase the amount of recycled paper actually rather that offer them an avenue to incineration. Remember also, that the Directive requires waste UE/2008/98 use energy recovery if the waste could be recycled as material.
This vagueness about the APIC is illustrative of the entire record, where information is fragmented, very few, sometimes conflicting, which does not bode well if this project was to be brought to fruition.
Federation Inter Environnement Wallonie will therefore carefully the public inquiry, and it also remains in contact with his French counterpart for more information.

Monday, January 17, 2011

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Petition Support indicted October 28

During the demonstration on October 28 last held in Charleville-Mezieres against pension reform, which brought together thousands of persons, incidents have occurred in response to provocations by police responsible for protecting the local of the UMP . contempt power to deal with claims workers attached to their pension scheme has the added challenge of muscular police presence and throwing tear gas towards demonstrators who included citizens of all ages. In this context a number of participants had a reaction indignation and anger which resulted in breakage of the window of the permanence of the UMP .

This act is certainly reprehensible, but from there to provoke December 15 the inquiry in the early morning and most brutal of 8 people in their homes or their workplace, by squadron of police acting as if they were involved in a case of highway robbery, there is not a gap, a chasm it is unacceptable to see taken in a democratic state like France. That is why the MRC 08 fully endorses the action taken by the committee of solidarity and support for the defendants on October 28 and urge you to do the same, starting, pending event which will held on January 27 before the High Court , by signing the petition calling for the abandonment of judicial proceedings against detained demonstrators by clicking here

Sunday, January 16, 2011

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Bulge: Industrial hemorrhage continues again and again ...

Here is the list (unfortunately not exhaustive) job cuts that took place over the last 3 years industry in the Ardennes :

2008 :
Lenoir Mernier: 132 (Bogny sur Meuse)
Allardin : 10 (Givet)
Ardennes Forges: 55 (Nouzonville)
Vynex: 16 (Sedan)
Sopal: 50 (Givet)
CMIA: 6 (Aubrives)
Sum Tech 9 (Charleville-Mezieres)

2009: Enia
-Tecsom: 92 (Claire)
Estamfor: 22 (Hautes Rivières)
Sum Tech 18 (Charleville-Mezieres)
Godart: 28 (Fumay)
Ardenity: 3 (Givet)
NUMALLIANCE: 14 (Bazeilles)
Bulge Alu France: 14 (Bazeilles)
Printing SA: 18 (Revin)
Vynex: 19 (Sedan)
Unilin: 9 (Bazeilles)
Stevenin-Nollevaux: 17 (Hautes Rivières)
Brimont Land: 17 ( Rethel)
Magotteaux: 9 (Aubrives)
Ardam: 11 (Revin)
SOPAP: 20 (Turn)
Forge France: 9 (Nouzonville)
ME: 17 (Given)
Dombret-Becq: 5 (Nouzonville)
Rotoplus: 8 (Tournes)
Thyssen Krupp Prisma: 25 (Pure)
Nexans: 53 (Fumay)
Tagar: 6 (Carignan )
Ragu: 73 (Monthermé)
Volets de France Jeantil-Gillet: 36 (Charleville-Mézières)

2010 :
Airlux: 6 (Charleville- Mézières)
La Foulerie: 9 (Carignan)
Sopap: 21 (Tournes)
GPM etiquettes: 6 (Given)
Tarkett : 7 (Sedan)
Enia-Tecsom: 52 (Claire)
Collignon: 9 (Deville)
LCAB: 5 (Bogny sur Meuse)
Raguet: 61 (Monthermé)
Serome: 19 (Bogny sur Meuse )
Oxam: 15 (Revin)
Delphi: 292 (Donchery) by 2012
Guerletub: 5 (Attigny)
Ardenity: 16 (Givet)

Conservatively, the economy has lost Ardennes 1345 industrial jobs since the beginning of the economic crisis. A real groove that will not stop there, as shown already closed Site Porcher Revin that will leave on the floor additional 148 workers by June. For the MRC 08, beyond the drought statistics, they are mostly entire cohorts of families who find themselves facing financial difficulties to manage daily and the fear of tomorrow. Something to be angry against the financial capitalism that has taken over industrial capitalism and against his henchmen, the new bosses , whose inhumanity of the decisions have led some to vomit at the group's image " dirty majesties" in the following song:

Thursday, January 13, 2011

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Givet: all (or almost) on "industrial" who wants to build the incinerator!

Who knows Implications - The Letter of Environmental ? Although few people, and this is normal since it is a Belgian publication specialized information devoted to various aspects of environmental markets in Belgium and elsewhere which belongs to the category newsletters confidential limited distribution and subscription prices high. Created in January 1993 by two former journalists the magazine Le Vif / L'Express, it is aimed primarily at decision makers in the environment and the leaders of pressure groups to which it provides , independently information they can not find elsewhere as detailed drawings of companies, accurate analysis of market and echoes exclusive. Edited by Waterloo sprl Kaydara and subject to compliance with the principles governing the ethics of the profession of journalist , she has devoted a substantial part of its latest issue, that we allow for informational purposes only reproduce below, the presentation of Everhardus Jaarsma, the man who wants to build an incinerator in Givet. It's more instructive is edifying and frankly particularly worrying! One more, and certainly not least, pay the heavy folder of those worried that the project ...
(for easier reading documents, you can enlarge them by left clicking)

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Minutes Zemmour: Chevenement argues columnist!

Chevènement has supported Eric Zemmour tried for incitement to racial hatred in a letter to the court where he says that more than half of the offenses are " attributable to young people whose surname is North African or African sounding .

"Mr Zemmour Doubtless there in the heat of argument, a formulation used excessively brutal but unfortunately it has not said something factually incorrect ," said the former Minister of Interior and Senator MRC Belfort in a letter dated January 3 sent to the 17th Chamber of the Court Paris Criminal [ available on the blog of Jean-Pierre Chevenement ], which began Tuesday the trial of Eric Zemmour. The journalist has been sued for defamation and incitement to racial hatred by SOS Racisme Licra, MRAP, and UEJF J'accuse. The five associations are targeting remarks March 6, 2010 on Canal + and France Ô Mr Zemmour, that " most traffickers are black and Arab, that's how it is a fact .

" Just as I had the opportunity to do so, consult the listings of the Central Public Security Ministry of the Interior, to note that over 50% of the violations found are attributable to young people whose surname is African or North African-sounding "said Jean-Pierre Chevenement. On the same line as Mr Zemmour, who told the court does not want " lie to the politically correct ," the senator said " fear that political correctness would ultimately kill the Republican debate .

He regrets that we can" blame a journalist to have advanced a argument, albeit clumsily made, but corresponding to a reality, albeit disturbing, but that leads to a decision shared awareness (...)". In the eyes of Mr. Chevenement, " freedom of expression need not be unnecessarily corseted prohibited by judicial ." This letter from the former minister, who also says " regret being unable to attend the hearing " was discussed Tuesday by the plaintiffs who wanted to see the debates aside. The trial continues Thursday and will end Friday.
(Wednesday, 12 January 2011 , 11:29)

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

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Revin: Ideal Standard International farm in his turn!

The news came last night. Plant Ideal Standard International Revin, one of the oldest industrial jewels of the city that the locals call always with affection and nostalgia Porcher will close its doors, laying off 146 employees and ! It was no secret to anyone that this industrial site which had lost its pole devoted to development and industrialization the mid-2000s and its foundry in early 2007 and which was sold in November same year by the industry group American Standard American to Bain Capital Partners - an investment possessing the same nationality among other Burger King , Samsonite and Toys R us - was wrong because its production was limited to 220,000 pieces of ceramic in 2007 before falling to 144,000 in 2008 .. . while its production capacity amounts to 440,000 pieces per year .

Worse, in 2009 to cope with its declining market caused by economic crisis and rising competition, the factory had used in the first 8 months of the year 12 weeks of unemployment part which it was added 6 other end of the year and plan management of jobs and skills had been put in place to reduce the numbers carefully. In 2010 , the situation had improved somewhat fortunately, but this had not prevented staff from homer additional three weeks of December. All this was very bleak for the future, but then to imagine the outright closure of the site, there was not that nobody would dare cross.

The announcement of the planned disappearance of Ideal Standard International is a real blow to the economy revinoise which has already paid a very heavy price deindustrialization and always hovering over the threat of closure of Oxam and relocation of his first employer, the Electrolux factory Ardam . For employees which, a priori, will not return in the criteria to qualify for the professional transition contracts, is a disaster because their chances of finding employment within a reasonable distance are virtually nil. Given this situation, the RCM 08 calls governments to put in place as soon as possible a plan reindustrialization Basin jobs Revin . We also ask that any the arsenal available to the authorities be used in advance to prevent the closure of the factory Ardam . This is essential for Revin, which has already lost 15% of its population over the last decade and still only 2.75% last year, do not turn into a ghost town!

Monday, January 10, 2011

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Chevenement sees himself as the only one to offer "another Europe"

The honorary chairman of the MRC, Jean-Pierre Chevenement, who recently discussed a possible candidacy in 2012, has set Monday as the only one, with the exception of Philippe Seguin, having developed the idea of "another Europe " built on " nations." Guest

Monday night BFM-TV, Mr. Chevenement was questioned that "pretty " from " candidates or personalities " held a speech similar to his on Europe. " I forbid you to say that ," he then replied to his questioner. " There is no one outside of me, maybe you can hear a little (Nicolas) Dupont-Aignan and a little (Jean-Luc) Mélenchon. But in a way constructed, reasoned continues for 20 years, there's really me - and Philippe Séguin but unfortunately he died - of that has developed the idea of another Europe, which do not without nations or cons them, but with themselves and with France, " argued Senator Belfort.

" Today (left) is not up to par, because it envisages nothing else, as Mr. Sarkozy, moreover, that forging ahead in an integration that has no meaning , "he said. Dominique Strauss-Kahn," I like it "but" he does not believe the future of nations "," he said "I want to transfer powers to the commission ' (European). Me, I do not really feel able to vote for a candidate who offers something as absurd .

" We'll see what I do: I will either candidate, I will indicate the Republican candidate for whom he should vote, one that restores a future for France and his youth," added the senator, 71 years, already presidential candidate in 2002 (5.33% in the 1st round).
(Monday, January 10, 2011, 8:42 p.m.)

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Chevenement called Strauss-Kahn to "quickly find his way to Damascus"

The honorary chairman of the MRC, Jean-Pierre Chevenement, on Sunday called the boss's Socialist Dominique Strauss-Kahn "to find quickly on his way to Damascus .

"He does not believe the future of the French nation. He believes that France is over, he favors a European nation which, moreover, it is unclear exactly where the limits would stop," he said the former minister on the radio of the Jewish community (RCJ). " Give all powers to Barroso (President of the European Commission, ed) as he moved, it makes no sense and it will not convince the French. So I ask Dominique Strauss-Kahn to quickly find his way to Damascus , "he added.

Asked about the repentance of France for the Vichy regime, he said it was" too far gone in repentance and that Jacques Chirac did not commit a good deed by saying that France, not the French government, had committed the irreparable . " I think it's the French State Vichy was deeply and permanently dishonored. This is not the mass of French people who were a people prostrate in defeat in 1940 sudden, "said Mr. Chevenement. For him," the French people very quickly away from Petain "and " we must return to a more balanced view that would allow the French people to regain self-esteem and its history .
(Sunday, January 9, 2011, 14:47)

Sunday, January 9, 2011

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We are just a few days of New Year ....
ends in 2010 has brought its share of Joys and sorrows. The time to take stock for each of us.
for me when I started to integrate my Internet activity last March, I never imagined any place he would occupy in my life.
every day I thank heaven for these unique encounters and richness of these exchanges.
my great privilege to have a special relationship with each of you that goes beyond the consultative framework, lucky few professionals know.
For all these reasons and more, thank you your confidence and your testimony that go straight to my heart.

I wish for you and throughout the Year 2011
the wings of angels protect your families, your jobs and your Business
That Regard des Anges illuminates your path in life you Guidant to Good Decisions
That Smile Angels brings you Cheerfulness and that sustain you in difficult times
That the Hands of Angels give you Prosperity and Energy Projects in all your
That the Heart of the Angels to heal your suffering and keep you in perfect health

Remember that the greatest asset is the One Heart, that we are nothing without love and sharing ...
2012 will not be the end of the world predicted in the Mayan Calendar.
Hopefully it is simply the end of a weighing Selfishness.
What Men and Women that we choose to be, to decide and act at present because it belong to us alone Life, Happiness and Hope of a Better World.
very merry Christmas to you ... Eternally

Friday, January 7, 2011

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The support committee "protesters continued" was born October 28!

The 28 last October, when the ultimate manifestation major cons "reform" of pensions, several incidents took place in Charleville-Mezieres, among which the most important was the breaking of windows local UMP . Of course, steeped in its role as guarantor of public order, the prefect had immediately strongly condemned slippage, as the unions did not want to see their image tainted after successfully for several weeks, an unlikely union sacred . Everyone expected so that this incident at that. Alas, this was not the case since the police conducted in the middle of December to the arrest bluntly earlier slag 8 demonstrators suspected of participating in this degradation, either at home or at their workplace. These methods are commonly used in the middle of highway robbery or acts of terrorism have greatly shocked, which led to a cascade of reactions outrage ... that has not prevented the authorities to make charges for degradations meeting and wounding and fix the date of the appearance of justice "protesters continued" to January 27.

The deadline for 1st round this court now approaching apace, a meeting held at tonight Bogny sur Meuse, at the initiative of Workers Collective Resistance to consider ways to implement to assist defendants who were found after a short discussion, actually be 10 in number. Forty people participated , from trade unions CGT and CFDT, but also of several political parties including the Left Zip 08, PG 08, the POI 08, the PCF and of course the MRC 08, as well as organization such as ATTAC 08 and the League of Human Rights. After a detailed reminder facts which helped to highlight the and disproportionate use of force particularly provocative public held Oct. 28 to protect private property and has concluded obvious Authorities will want to make a example to deter future union protests, it was decided, pending the meeting of UD union to be held on 13 to set up a support committee to "protesters continued" and to launch immediately a public appeal to the people so she would require massive block stay of proceedings against the alleged harasser.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

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Givet: Doische and Hastings, but not Beauraing will be consulted on the proposed incinerator!

The project to build an incinerator in Givet , 2 steps from the Belgian border , strongly excited our neighbors all political persuasions, so that the Walloon Minister for the Environment, Philip Henry had officially requested at the beginning of November information to the Prefect of the Ardennes. After weeks of waiting, he received a reply just before Christmas with the Belgian regional press is now echoing through of 3 items the most detailed is the one that was written by Patrick Lemaire in "Outlook. net," that we allow to reproduce in full below:

DOISCHE - The prefect of Ardennes confirmed the minister Henry: a public hearing will be held in Doische and Hastings, on the incinerator.
early November, the Minister Henry had mentioned, in response to a question from MP Jean-Claude Maene a letter to the Prefect of the Ardennes, in order to obtain more information about a proposed incinerator, which caused an uproar in Givet boot. The French response came in Namur just before Christmas.
part of a national competitive bidding, the company EnR Pointe was chosen in February to operate an electricity generating facility with a capacity of 9.9 MW from biomass, "says John Francis Savy, Prefect of the Ardennes. " Energy will be produced from waste paper from the European Paper Industries ," he adds.
Reeve gives some guidance on the process of transformation: "Before use as fuel in a facility for this purpose, the waste paper will undergo a preparation (separation, grinding and compression at high temperature) to be processed into briquettes called APIC. APIC These feed into a combustion plant to produce steam and electricity using a turbine .
For Reeve, the proposed facility will be classified in the "heat treatment non-hazardous waste. "This means that an application for special authorization has been submitted by the investor." Currently, the case is being reviewed in accordance with regulations applicable to him, the warden added. Subject to its regularity, it will then be subject to review by the public and authorities concerned .
As part of this consultation process, Jean-Francis Savy confirms that common Doische and Hastings, situated within a radius of less than 3 km, will be associated in the public inquiry. In his view file will be attached to the official record, as required by law. Savy Jean-Francois promises to inform the Walloon Minister of the process of investigation . So far, the Belgian authorities were crying after the news.
In November Last Maene MP had harsh words towards our neighbors, in the context of this case: "The French decided not to act preventively, as they usually do, because it is frankly a habit with them, he had expressed. When there are incidents in Chooz, the French press is informed before the Belgian authorities. It is through the press and so on. It is still intolerable. It found the course very Jacobin operate in France. We think, in all cases for those near the tip of Givet and all these industries, totally inappropriate. "

Nothing new then, except, strangely , that would be the company Pointe Enr allegedly taken at the end of the call for tenders launched by the CRE 3 at the beginning of last year, while according to the order of the Minister of Ecology and Energy, dated February 25, 2010, authorization to operate a facility producing electricity from turbo-alternator, a power of 9.9 MW using biomass, located on the territory of the town of Givet was given to the company Ltd. Bioenergy Meuse Valley, which is headquartered Road Philippeville area Pacog to Givet. Not forgetting that the people Doische of Belgian municipalities of Hastings and have a voice in the public inquiry ... unlike those of Beauraing, yet beneath the winds! Hence suggesting that it will not appeal much to Jean-Claude Maene, deputy mayor of this city, there is a small step. Those who think the case is now closed therefore likely to be fresh for their ...