During the demonstration on October 28 last held in Charleville-Mezieres against pension reform, which brought together thousands of persons, incidents have occurred in response to provocations by police responsible for protecting the local of the UMP . contempt power to deal with claims workers attached to their pension scheme has the added challenge of muscular police presence and throwing tear gas towards demonstrators who included citizens of all ages. In this context a number of participants had a reaction indignation and anger which resulted in breakage of the window of the permanence of the UMP .
This act is certainly reprehensible, but from there to provoke December 15 the inquiry in the early morning and most brutal of 8 people in their homes or their workplace, by squadron of police acting as if they were involved in a case of highway robbery, there is not a gap, a chasm it is unacceptable to see taken in a democratic state like France. That is why the MRC 08 fully endorses the action taken by the committee of solidarity and support for the defendants on October 28 and urge you to do the same, starting, pending event which will held on January 27 before the High Court , by signing the petition calling for the abandonment of judicial proceedings against detained demonstrators by clicking here
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