Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Current Event First Aid

Givet: the incinerator project begins to falter!

before yesterday, the proposed construction of an incinerator on Pacog to Givet experienced a rebound , not lower, since Standing Committee of the Regional Council has decided to cancel a grant of 30,000 euros it had originally planned to pay the LLC Paperpower to help fund a feasibility study! This decision, IN ADDITION taken unanimously with the exception of the abstention of three elected National Front, was motivated by not supply the company of a number of documents relating inter alia to the origin and content of the waste, which were requested since 2007. And contrary to what proponents claim the project, the first among them being the spirited apolitical Right and Mayor Claude Givet Wallendorff , is far, far away even be a drop against the EUR 100 million investment expected.

Why? because this decision was taken in agreement with ADEME, the Agency for the Environment and Energy Management, a public institution under the supervision of several departments - including the Ecology and Sustainable Development - whose mission is to help the implementation of public policies in the areas of environment , energy and sustainable development. In other words, a key instrument, if not the most important, used by government public to intervene in everything that affects directly or indirectly to environmental issues! What dent seriously, beyond the amount of money involved, the green dress that "industrial" and relay their local politicians are struggling to provide what the Belgian press does not hesitate to call bluntly an incinerator.

For the collective vigilance, which had already succeeded in break the silence that surrounded this project smoky is undoubtedly a second victory . This proves that if the three CRE has selected the project Bioenergy Val Meuse-Paperpower during his bid last year, all institutional actors do not support so far, contrary to what the duo Claude Wallendorff - Dekens Bernard, who finds himself and his nose against counter-truths they both gleefully trumpeted in recent months. Slowly but surely, the light is being done on this issue! This is not the time to lower the guard, on the contrary, especially as Community Commons has confirmed its support for the project by deciding at its board held on December 30 last, to acquire for more than 50,000 euros a 80,000 m2 plot in order to establish greenhouses designed to enhance the heat it generated hopes soon ...


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