Sunday, February 6, 2011

How To Make Sopressata Salami

Charlemont: State cowardly fled his responsibilities!

In 2008, the terrible news had fallen: as part of the reorganization of the French Army Commando Training Centre Givet, located in fortress of Charlemont, was to be closed. With a stroke of a pen, more than one hundred and thirty military jobs civilian jobs were eliminated in the Point horizon of one year. A real shock to a country already heavily affected by plant closures repeatedly, that the State had decided to reduce by putting in place for 3 years, renewable once by a rider to a term of 2 years maximum, a revitalization Agreement Defence Site for which he mobilized exactly 4,994,310 euros.

In this context, and with financial support from other local authorities, a fairly complete catalog of measures was developed to enhance the attractiveness of the Township of Givet order to facilitate installation new activities. As early as the first visit in September 2008 the Secretary of State Hubert Falco in the City of Mehul, the government promised to provide maintenance and security of the immense fortress - 90 hectares with 31 buildings surrounded by more than 5 km rampart - until its takeover by one or more private or public investors, which is at a minimum expenditure of 500,000 euros per year . Great Effort financial So we may consider fair compensation for the trauma!

Unfortunately, the fortress of Charlemont being placed on the Historical Monument since 1927, its cliffs as part of the Nature Reserve of Pointe is ranked Natura 2000 its soils with significant risks pyrotechnic pollution and construction will be prohibited in the current PLU potential buyers were not credible yet not rushed to the gate and nothing says they will do to future. Faced with this situation, State has therefore decided to limit costs by announcing he would not sign the agreement with a prospective purchaser . Clearly, this means that the rare bird, if found one day, will take over maintenance costs! Given the sums involved, everyone will understand that it is virtually impossible.

The fortress of Charlemont thus runs the risk of falling slowly into disrepair and be like, eventually, to the Mount of Haurs. sad prospect that only the Town Hall or the Community of municipalities could avoid acquiring the site for the euro symbol and committing to conclude an agreement on, inter alia, the maintenance costs, with potential future holders of private projects. A triple penalty basically because after losing the economic activity generated by the CEC and the animations as it ensured the fireworks and the annual military music festival, local authorities should now bring the widely hands in their pockets to compensate for the withdrawal of a State shameless unscrupulous who does not hesitate to pass the hot potato without warning. For the MRC 08 is not only unacceptable is unworthy, but unfortunately quite indicative of government policy promises much but is very little ...


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